The Al-Nuseirat camp, a densely populated area in Gaza, became the scene of a horrifying tragedy that has left a scar on the collective memory of its residents. An event that started with an aid truck soon escalated into a deadly confrontation, resulting in a devastating loss of civilian lives.
It all began with the arrival of an aid truck, which had traveled from the American pier to Al-Nuseirat camp. This truck, ostensibly carrying much-needed supplies for the besieged population, was actually a disguise for a military force. The moment the true nature of the truck's cargo was discovered, a fierce clash erupted between the military force and local fighters.
The situation took a catastrophic turn when warplanes conducted airstrikes on the crowded Al-Nuseirat market. These airstrikes, purportedly aimed at creating a path for the “rescue vehicle,” resulted in a massacre. Over 250 civilians, including women and children who were at the market, lost their lives in the initial bombardment.
As the military force retreated back to the pier, the warplanes continued their bombardment, targeting everything in their path. The chaos and fear this caused were unimaginable. Civilians in the nearby market of Al-Nuseirat began to flee, desperate to escape the violence. However, the first airstrike had already caused unimaginable carnage. Over 250 market-goers, many of them children, were killed in the relentless air assault.
In the midst of this chaos, it became evident that the operation was aimed at rescuing four Israeli hostages. Another Israeli force, known as the Duvdevan unit, played a key part in this tragic event. They infiltrated the area using a vehicle disguised as a refugee transport, a ruse designed to mislead and avoid detection. Their actions contributed significantly to the ensuing violence and chaos, exacerbating the already dire situation for the civilians caught in the crossfire.
An Israeli official informed The New York Times that the US and UK have been deeply involved in supporting Israeli intelligence efforts throughout the conflict in Gaza. Their assistance has been pivotal in gathering and analyzing intelligence about the hostages, some of whom hold dual citizenship.
Two sources within the Israeli government revealed that US military personnel provided vital information regarding the hostages rescued on Saturday. The Pentagon and the CIA have been supplying intelligence from drone surveillance over Gaza, intercepted communications, and other sources to locate the hostages. This intelligence support from the US and UK, according to an Israeli official, has been crucial, providing capabilities that Israel lacks on its own.
After the assault on the Al-Nuseirat refugee camp, which resulted in the deaths of at least 250 Palestinians, President Joe Biden not only avoided condemning the attack but also praised the successful rescue of the four Israeli hostages.
In a joint statement with French President Emmanuel Macron, Biden congratulated the families of the freed hostages and emphasized that the US "won't stop working until all the hostages are home and a ceasefire is reached. That's essential to happen."
The events in Al-Nuseirat have left a deep wound in the heart of Gaza. The death toll, the deception, and the sheer brutality of the attack have drawn international condemnation. Yet, for many in Gaza, this is a reminder of the fragility of their safety and the lengths to which occupying forces will go to achieve their objectives.
For the people of Gaza, the path forward is fraught with challenges. Rebuilding their lives amidst such devastation requires not only physical reconstruction but also psychological and emotional healing. The international community must step in to provide not just aid but also justice for the victims of this atrocity.
As the world watches, it is imperative that we do not turn a blind eye to such tragedies. The victims of Al-Nuseirat deserve justice, and the perpetrators of these heinous acts must be held accountable.
😡😭😡😭 it makes me wonder if Israel is not agreeing to cease-fire terms simply to have an excuse (though only in their minds) for indiscriminately slaughtering 250 people in order to rescue four. That kind of math is morally reprehensible. I'm glad for the four who are now safe with their families and I grieve deeply for the hundreds sacrificed on the altar of vengeance and for their loved ones as well. So many killed, wounded, and maimed in body, mind, and soul... And the soldiers and pilots? How can human beings do this to one another? How can there be any honor in shooting unarmed civilians with a multi-million dollar fighter-bomber? It's like dropping cinderblocks on a class of school children. It reminds me of SS soldiers shooting and blowing up starving, unarmed Jews in Warsaw in 1944. The occupiers may survive the war and one day die in bed from natural causes but their fate is to live with souls that are forever deformed, tormented, and cursed by their criminal behavior. We could blame Hamas for hiding in the crowd but 1) WTF do we expect resistance fighters to do? Stand on a barren hilltop with signs saying "Here we are?" Of course they're hiding in a crowd, or a hospital, or a school! But that is no excuse for killing innocents and labelling it "regrettable but necessary collateral damage." I doubt there is a SWAT team in the US that would deliberately gun down hostages to kill the hostage taker. 2) Why TF do we think people join Hamas in the first place? Why do a tiny percentage of Palestinians go over the edge and become murdering terrorists (Resistance Fighters) in the first place? That's the real question to ask and it shoukd be the first one: WHY? In the mid-2070s, the Israel general Matti Peled, an acclaimed hero of the '48 and '67 wars and first Governor of Gaza, said "Terrorism is a terrible thing. But the fact remains that when a small nation is ruled by a larger power, terror is the only means at their disposal. This has always been true, and I fear that it will always be the case. If we want to end terrorism, we must end the occupation and make peace."* Wise and prescient words 50 years ago from an Israeli military hero and patriot. * The General's Son" 2nd Edition. Miko Peled, 2016
Your heart is in the right place. The label of "terrorist" for the resistance is as hipocrytical as we can get from real "terrorists" who think they have the right to rule the whole world for their benefit. Israel is a colony of the empire in the arab world. The energy resources of West Asia are to precious for the western regimes, and at we can see every single day, at any cost. The shores of Gaza has gas, as Lebanon and Syria. This is one of the reasons for the unmasked Genocide of Gaza. Geopolitically, the west is resisting to lose (again, at any cost) their colony. Palestine is the key for the liberation of the whole region. They know it. The arab monarchys are part of the hegemony game ... and now they are not so sure about their position: their population is against the US and Israel and EU dominance. Liberation and democratic processes in their region makes them affraid. But they are affraid of the empire too. They are rich but weak.
In the middle of the struggle, is the people of Gaza and more and more the West Bank. The international law is twisted, the international structures coopted. They are exposed to annihilation, that is the only militar tool israel and US have at hand and are experts without dubt and moral.
I think the pressure of the common people, following the students intifada and deepening it, could be the force to force the west to change ... or vanish.